Getting Ready to Move into Your New Home
There are so many things to think about when moving! Here's a comprehensive checklist to help you stay on track. we've got you covered for move-in: Use these tried-and-true tips for moving into a new house.
- Create a "moving file" to keep track of estimates, receipts, and other important information.
- Check with the IRS for possible tax deductions - including moving expenses.
- Contact the Chamber of Commerce to request their new resident packet.
- Call the alarm monitoring company to have the system transferred to your name as of the closing date.
- Call your cellular phone service company to have your plan(s) changed when moving into your new home..
- Submit your change of address form(s) to the Post Office for mail and magazines, or access USPS to obtain a change of address form.
- Mail moving announcement cards telling all your friends that you moved and your new address.
- Notify your financial institution of your move.
- Order new checks from your bank with your new address.
- Update online services with your new home address.
- Arrange for a professional moving truck that is bonded and insured..
- Budget to tip your movers at least 20%.
- Notify your employer(s) HR department of your move to a new address.
- Notify your creditors of your move to a new address and updated phone number.
- If you are moving from out-of-state, get your emissions test done. Colorado requires this test before you can get your license plates. If you are moving to a different county within Colorado, notify the State and possibly get new license plates.
- Update your driver’s license or get a new one if moving from another state.
- Register your automobiles with the state and the county you will be residing in.
- Make an inventory of your household goods, begin to remove clutter by having a garage sale so there is less to move.
- Transfer your insurance policy or make arrangements for new auto insurance.
- Register to vote.
- Register your kids at their new schools or submit a change of address with their school.
- Make arrangements to transfer your and your family’s, medical and dental records to your new doctors.
- Arrange for veterinarian pet records to be transferred.
- Clean the dryer's exhaust vent duct in the new home.
- Change locks and get new keys at your new home.
- Have your home furnace professionally cleaned and Install a new furnace filter.